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Parliamentary citizens' initiative to fight poverty: reintroduce value protection in unemployment insurance!

Submitted by Aktiver Admin on Wed, 22.06.2022 - 13:51

Update: On Human Rights Day we wanted to submit the petition to the Parliamentary Directorate. However, we were informed there that the date of the signature must be included with EVERY signature, even if the usually narrow period or even the day is clearly evident from previous and subsequent signatures.

So please keep collecting!

Due to compound interest dynamics and inflation rising again to 2%, you can easily lose over 10% within a few years!

Download the list of signatures for the petition

In 2000, the automatic value adjustment of insurance benefits for receipts from unemployment insurance such as unemployment benefit and emergency assistance, which had been a matter of course in social security until then, was abolished. As a result, all unemployed people who are unable to find work due to the ongoing crisis and who are therefore registered as unemployed for a longer period of time lose significantly in purchasing power. In view of the associated risk of poverty for the insured, who have paid the insurance contributions themselves for many years, this situation is unsustainable!

We, the undersigned, therefore demand from the Austrian National Council an immediate and sustainable reintroduction of the VALUE SECURING of unemployment insurance benefits!! This should mean that, as with all other social security benefits, an automatic adjustment of the unemployment insurance payments to the annual increase in the cost of living (inflation) takes place.

Hints: Please print out the signature list and send us the completed signature lists to:

Active unemployed Austria
Krottenbachstrasse 40/9/6
A-1190 Vienna

Hopefully more information soon ...

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